This is the story of the time I swallowed a nail It all started at my cousins house house at about 11:00 in the mourning when I put extra strong and sticky tape on his head while he was sleeping.When he woke up he ripped it off as fast as he could .
Then he came running down the hall with the tape roll and I had the nail in my mouth like a toothpick.He stuck the tape on my head and I tried to pull it off but it got stuck in my hair so we pulled it off fast and hard. When I yelled the nail slipped down my throat.
7 hours later I told my mom and we went to the hospital. When we arrived everybody was asking me how I swallowed a nail and I said it slipped down my throat by accident.
When the doctors called my name they took my blood pressure , temperature and asked if I had any shortness of breath and I said no.They took x-rays of me and the nail was on the edge of going into my collon or my stomach and if it want into my stomach they’d have to sedate me (put me to sleep) and go in by my throat and bring it out.
The next day the doctors told me that the nail passed through my collon and it would come out naturally. That’s the story of the time I swallowed a nail.