Life with smell is like Lebron James with Dwayne Wade.
Smell is a good sense to have until you walk by a raw sewage
pipe then it’s your worst enemy. But smell is always going to
be my favorite because it lets me know if something smells
good or bad and it can let me know if my dog needs a bath.
In the spring my smell lets me smell all the flowers and the
air around me.
If my smell were taken away from me I would be furious
because I couldn’t small all the wonderful things in the world
around me like the sea air or the flowers or my moms meatloaf.
If my smell were taken away I would also be a little happy
because I wouldn’t be able to smell the bad things in the world
the sewage or a skunk or a swamp. So if my smell smell were
taken away from me it would ruin my life forever.